Tuesday 8 September 2015

audio books

So a guy emails me and says you should do audio books. Quick check, apparently they are great and everyone loves them. One visit to Allens music and a mic later and i'm starting to do it. Anyone listen to audio books? i think its sounding ok but i want a few weeks to practice and then some people who actually listen to them to give some opinions. cheers

Tuesday 1 September 2015

Second and third books

So I've been wondering what to do and thought I would just ask people. With this series I have indeed. Already written the second and third part. Number two is very close to perfect I'm just taking a lot more time in getting a million people to proof read it so I can avoid past mistakes. The thing I want to know, as a new writer is it better just get all three up as fast as I possibly can, or is it better to delay for say six months between each one and do proper launches and all that stuff? Thoughts?